2018 Thor Ace 30.4
The 2018 Thor ACE 30.4 Bathroom is very nice. It is laid out perfectly so there is good space for everything. Many RVs have convoluted bathrooms, but this Bathroom is just right. Right next to the Bedroom.
The shower is a glass enclosure — not plastic or a funky old shower curtain. The toilet is porcelain, NOT flimsy plastic. The sink is stainless with stylish Hot and Cold faucet handles. There is a triple cabinet just to the left of the sink that is big enough to hold the biggest selection of toiletries and medications ever… all within arm’s reach. There is a LOT of storage for towels. And the exhaust fan is invaluable when you want aromas out into the fresh air rather than in for your guests to “enjoy.”
When ya gotta go, you don’t want to be doing contortions to do your business. This 2018 Thor ACE 30.4 Class A Bathroom is NICE. Class A+. It is infinitely better than the Winnebago Adventurer I had previously, any gas station rest room, or the finest portable toilet known to man.
Now, your wonderful toilet will clog from too much toilet paper. It happens. Here is an excellent article — https://www.wikihow.com/Unclog-an-RV-Toilet
The 2018 Thor ACE 30.4 Class A Bathroom comes specially-equipped with a toilet bowl cleaning brush — just like you probably have at home. Poke this down the hole and dislodge the toilet tissue. Voila, down goes the TP and whatever was filling your bowl. Guaranteed to bring a smile to your face… and relief.