Water in Thor ACE 30.4 Motorhome
All RVs are not created equal when it comes to WATER.

All campgrounds are not created equal when it comes to WATER. Choose campgrounds with above-ground water outlets that are easy for anyone to use. I’m 75 and disabled. I can’t operate a spigot located down in the ground. When I fall down, I can’t get up, so I have to use a loud siren that I wear around my neck to summon help.
The City Water Connector shown above is perfect.

I connect my 2-Way Water Hose Valve to the city water spigot. It is equipped with a hard rubber connector that makes it easy for anyone to connect and disconnect it. Then I connect my hoses. I have the option of no water flow (shown here), water from either valve, or water from both valves. Just turn the black knob(s) to the ON position. This is a special addition to this 2018 Thor ACE 30.4 Motorhome.
This Thor ACE 30.4 RV has a large capacity Fresh Water Tank that you fill with a white sanitary garden hose with a special filter to keep contaminants out. It has a 50-gallon capacity. Most RVs do not come with the hose, and if they do, don’t use them.

This RV comes with an absolutely sanitary hose that has never been used for dirty work. And the Water Filter is essential. It stops contaminants from the city water connection from entering your Fresh Water supply. I’ve installed this on both of your hoses, so you don’t have to worry about a thing except navigating city streets in an 18,000-pound house on wheels.

To fill the Fresh Water Tank, just connect your white sanitary hose to the city water spigot, turn it on, and put the end of the hose with the filter into the Fresh Water Tank Fill. If water starts to run out, you’ve filled it to 50-gallons, and it’s time to retract the hose, shut off the City Water Spigot, and close the cap on the Fresh Water Tank Fill. This water inlet is comfortably positioned about chest-high on the right rear of the motorcoach, so it is much easier to use than those in other RVs. Other RV manufacturers seem to have used Simone Biles to do their design and have neglected the needs of normal people. Go Thor!

This 2018 Thor ACE 30.4 also has a Camco Water Tank Filler with Shut-Off Valve. It allows you to fill your Fresh Water Tank in a fraction of the time of those without this attachment. The Filler minimizes line back flow while filling at or near full pressure. Screw the Camco Filler onto your hose, and insert the Water Tank Filler, long side up, into the Fresh Water Tank Fill, and fill ‘er up.

Then connect the hose with its filter to the City Water Connection located next to the 30-Amp power connection and the Cable TV connection. Turn the City Water Spigot on high, and this allows your motorhome to use the city water for all your needs. Zillions of gallons of Fresh Water if needed. This saves the water in your Fresh Water Tank for times when you do not have a city water connection available.

This Thor ACE 30.4 RV has a 47-gallon Gray Water Tank. This is the wastewater from the sinks and shower. A 47-gallon tank minimizes your tank dumping duties. It dumps by pulling the Gray Valve.
This Thor ACE 30.4 RV has a 40-gallon Black Water Tank. This is the yucky liquid with stuff floating in it. A 40-gallon tank minimizes your sewer duties. It dumps by pulling the Black Valve.
This Thor ACE 30.4 Motorhome has an Exterior Shower. You may not be into showering naked outside your RV in a campground. The External Shower gives you a way to wash up while outside. It should also be used with HOT HOT water to clean your sewer hose following Black Water dumping. It’s located in the same Bay as the sewer equipment and connections.
Here is an extremely comprehensive Guide to the Water System in the 2019 Thor Ace 30.4 Motorhome.
Sanitizing Your Fresh Water System